Monday, February 10th 2025, at Uni Bern
We are happy to invite you to participate to our Networking event including a panel discussion with role models that we take place on Monday, February 10th 2025, 9h45 – 14h45 at Uni Bern in the Kuppelraum (main building, 5th floor).
In the morning, you will receive detailed information on the programme (see below). You will have the opportunity to network with other female doctoral students and postdocs from all ETH institutions.In the afternoon, a panel discussion with female role models from academia and industry will take place. They will talk about their career paths and about how they managed career and work-life balance. And you will have the opportunity to discuss with them in smaller groups.
We would like to emphasise the networking aspect of this event, because as research shows, networking is one of the crucial career factors for women scientists (see Stamm (2010): Women in Science – Why Networking matters. In: European Review 18/2.).
There is no participation fee, but registration before 06.02.2025 is mandatory for organisational purposes (coffee and lunch are offered).
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in Bern.
09.45 Registration + Welcome coffee
10.15 Welcome address
10.20 Programme presentation
10.40 Let’s Foster. Lead. Promote ourselves!!! (networking activities)
12.00 Lunch break + Networking
12.45 Academic careers for women – Panel discussion with guests/role models, moderated by (tbc):
- Prof. Dolaana Khovalyg, EPFL
- Prof. Melanie Zeilinger, ETHZ
Dr. Ann-Katrin Michel, Swissmem (Association for Switzerland’s mechanical and electrical engineering industries)
13.30 Exchange with role models (in smaller groups)
14.30 Take home messages & Closing remarks
14.45 Official closing of event
Uni Bern, Kuppelraum (main building, 5th floor)
Fee & Registration:
The event is free of charge but requires registration for organizational purposes.