About me
My background: Dr. sc. nat. ETH, biochemist; I worked for almost 20 years a researcher in toxicology & pharmacology (cancer research). During this time also performed as asinger (classically trained soprano), and completed 3 yr post-graduate training in Organisational Development & Coaching. Since 2000: I have a private practice offering coaching and seminars in leadership, communication and career development for scientists and academics throughout Switzerland. In addition, I hold a 50 % position as faculty developer for professors at ETH. Over the years, I have deepened my coaching practice through training in mindfulness, trauma healing and other advanced coaching methods.
My coaching speciality: focusses on mastering the challenges – both professional and personal – of the world of research and academia, particularly for women in STEM fields. Coaching themes are as widely spread as: i) leadership & self-leadership skills, ii) time & stress management, mindfulness, work-life balance, dual career couples, iii) grant applications, job applications & job interviews in academia, iv) supervising a research group, negotiations & conflict, v) imposter syndrome, building self-confidence, vi) stage presence, etc.
I am involved in coaching women in Mentoring programmes for academics at all levels, from PhD students, through Post-docs, to young Professors, all the way up to Deans and Department Heads.
My coaching approach: is known as “transformational coaching“. The goal is empowerment, to help people lead lives that are more authentic and rewarding. Often it involves helping people gain skills to help them get beyond places where they are “stuck”. I believe in a holistic approach to coaching, valuing the interconnections between mind, body, emotions and spirit in our well-being.