What are we doing?
Fix the Leaky Pipeline! (FLP) is a career-building program in the ETH Domain that gives young female scientists on the academic career path the opportunity to reflect on their professional situations and to develop a strategy for finding the career path that fits them best. The program – actively supported by all ETH Institutions and the ETH Board – also aims at providing opportunities to discuss alternative career tracks outside the academic system. The target audience of the program are female doctoral students, postdocs and other young scientists in the ETH Domain.
The core elements of the program are coaching groups, courses on career relevant topics, mentoring and networking events. The program aims at a significant increase of women at all levels of the academic career and therefore fix the “leaky pipeline” of women in science.
Offers 2021 - 2024
Coaching Groups
The aim of the coaching groups is the personal career development of the participants. A professional coach leads each coaching group.
DetailsOne to One Mentoring
The one-to-one mentoring is based on a relationship in which a more experienced person (mentor) supports a less experienced person (mentee) in developing her career. In a mentoring relationship, the mentor shares her/his experiences in academia or industry with the mentee. The goal of a mentoring relationship is to empower and support the mentee developing her career and in addressing upcoming career steps.
DetailsPeer Mentoring
In peer mentoring, persons who are nearly at the same stage of their careers (peers) constitute themselves as group and take a proactive attitude to share their knowledge and experiences, with punctual support from more experienced mentors. The goal is to empower and support participants to actively develop their careers in academia or towards industry and to establish adequate networks.”
The FLP program is financed by the six institutions of the ETH Domain and by the ETH Board. It was initiated in 2007 and is now in its 5th round (2021 to 2024), which comprises an extension of the previous activities and some new offers. It is supervised by the Working Group for Equal Opportunites in the ETH Domain and managed by an ETH Zurich and EPFL team.
This graph shows the proportions of women and men at different academic career levels in the ETH Domain in 2019 & 2021. Women are underrepresented in all cases. The term „Leaky Pipeline“ stands for the decreasing proportion of women from university studies towards advanced and leading positions in research and science.